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Tuesday 16 April 2013

~Sponsor Review~ Candylicious Roller Grey Circle Lens

hy girls. ('-^*)/
I'm back again with a new review
This evening I want to review one lens that sponsor by Apple of your eyes ヾ(@^(∞)^@)ノ
in fact last week I wanted to post this, but I forgot a lot of Assignment not finished, and I forgot one of them should I submit tonight at 12 o'clock at night (((( ;°Д°))))
luckily my friends want to help me, because I was so confused to answer .. o(;△;)o
Depletion become depressed
hahahah (T▽T;)
one question that I can not answer that on Depletion
in this quiet night, I will review

Manufacturer: Dueba
Diameter: 15.5mm
Effect: 16.0mm
WC: 48% BC: 8.6mm
Yearly Disposal

This is my second lens gray
a lot of people who like to use gray lens, black, and brown for a natural in the eyes
My first lens also gray (ノ´▽`)ノ
pattern of the lens forming roll
or terms cutely like a hurricane ( ゚-゚)( ゚ロ゚)(( ロ゚)゚((( ロ)~゚ ゚
its pattern reminds me of the Barbie Eyes Mirage
This lens has a two-tone
the gray and black
I actually do not really like the pattern like this
I prefer the pattern that sparkle or bling bling on my eyes
hahahaha (*_*)

because this lens has dm16mm
I think this is enough to make your eyes look dolly Σ(=°ω°=;ノ)ノ
but I tend to ulzzang make up when using this lens
because when using this lens color is a bit darker
I do not feel comfortable using this lens (iДi)
My left eye feels there is a whippy while using this lens
The first time, I think because there is mascara flakes into my eyes
but at some time tried this lens still feel uncomfortable o(;△;)o
strangely my right eye is fine
This lens quickly dry
I had to dripping tear drop several times to make my eyes feel comfortable
and after 3 hours my eyes would redden
and I always use my lens for 5 hours and my eyes are not reddened

Lens On My Eyes

This lens has a very unique pattern I think
unfortunately this lens is not enough comfortable when I use
This lens is actually fairly tippis,
somehow my eyes when using this lens feels there is whippy
even though I've cleaned it and rubbed it
but still it is not so comfortable lens when used
This lens has a large dm
and dolly effects in the eye

Rating :

Don't Forget visit Apple Of Your Eyes
and use my SECRET CODE
The logo design by me

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